Chavez Schools 2024 Summer Reading

June 13, 2024


Dear Parents, Guardians, and Families, 

The end of the school year is quickly upon us. The summer months welcome fun and relaxation; however, the break from school activities often causes students to experience a lag in learning when returning to school in the fall.  A lag in learning is frequently called the “Summer Slide”. 


The summer slide can result in students losing two to three months of reading proficiency. To lessen this effect, Cesar Chavez Public Charter School for Public Policy requires ALL returning students to participate in the summer reading initiative, JUMP-START.  Students must choose a book for their upcoming grade in the fall from our pre-selected list to read over the summer and complete the summer reading project. (Click here for the book list for each grade level.)   Books can be purchased at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or rented from your local library. The summer reading project will be the first grade of the new marking period in the fall. 

As a school for Public Policy, we believe students should have authentic opportunities to discuss their summer reading experiences with teachers and classmates when they return to school in the fall. Providing ways for students to engage with others around their summer reading will help establish a vibrant reading culture in our school rooted in healthy discourse that challenges policies while uncovering justice. Therefore, students will answer four key questions and create a visual project.  

Click here for project details. The summer reading assignment is due on Friday, August 30, 2024.  (This is the first full week back to school) 


We look forward to the start of the school year and partnering with you to help your child succeed. For questions, please contact Christina Cook  ([email protected]), Instructional Coach for Humanities.


Educationally Yours, 


Christina Cook

Instructional Coach for Humanities 


Summer Reading 2024-2025


Summer Jump - Start Reading Project Written Component


Summer Jump - Start Reading Project Social Issues


Summer Jump - Start Reading Project Visual Component